Friday, January 22, 2010

LASEK Laser Eye Surgery | LASEK Eye Surgery -Introduction

LASEK laser eye surgery
can transform your life - it eliminates your dependence on glasses or contact lenses, thus allowing you to freely pursue your pastimes, sports activities or career options. This once few minutes procedure will also save your money in the long run as no more visits to the optometrist and no more spending on expensive glasses, contact lenses and solutions. 

Laser Assisted SubEpithelial Keratectomy  or LASEK is a form of laser vision correction. LASEK eye surgery brings together the benefits of the LASIK and PRK, which are the 2 commonly, performed laser eye surgery. This is the reason why LASEK surgery is said to be better in terms of safety and outcome.

LASEK surgery is done by loosening the epithelial layer of the cornea by using an special  solution that enables the doctor to gently peel back the tissue. Then a laser beam is targeted to the exposed tissue. After the cornea is reshaped by the laser, the epithelial flap is returned back to its original position. A temporary contact lens is put in place to help in the recovery and the reduction of pain of the cornea.

LASEK surgery enables creation of a thin corneal flap, while LASIK involves cutting into deeper layers of the cornea with a microkeratome (a  surgical blade). This is the reason why LASEK avoids many complications associated to LASIK flap.  It produces less thinning of cornea, hence leaving a stronger cornea; less dry eye as the deeper cornea nerves responsible for the tearing reflex are left untouched and intact. It also avoids buttonhole flap which may damage central vision if a cut is made in flat cornea. Therefore, LASEK eye surgery is a suitable procedure for those who have a thin or too steep cornea, those at risk to get dry eyes syndrome or in other words it is for those who are not ideal for LASIK.

Many people in the world have benefited from LASEK laser eye surgery as it not only produces similar results in vastly improved vision as LASIK but it also offers added safety features. It does hold the promise of enabling you to enjoy life without the restrictions of glasses and contact lenses.

LASEK  Laser Eye Surgery

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